when the abandoned coffin isn't abandoned anymore
when the abandoned coffin isn't abandoned anymore
hehe ;]
i normally prefer subs over dubs, but can we just appreciate Kobeni's English voice actress?
i miss 2000s internet :(
this sums up the entire episode
yes he goes to jail for calling a regular breakbeat jungle "breakcore" without including hardcore elements
imagine if this was a playable character in one of the games
i love the late 80s mid 90s anime aesthetics
i love the Chester Stone sounds like Jake meme
no, this is patrick
this reminds me of when 2D Cartoon Network shows are portraying 3D video games
Animator at Media Zapper
Game Developer at KG-CN
Making Music as 12DAMDO
Age 25, neko
wtf does this mean?
somewhere with wifi
Joined on 3/26/17