if you get it right it calls you gay :\
if you get it right it calls you gay :\
@AsakoShura i guess you're the expert
remember back when we all used to think this meme was just photoshop and then that one youtuber just went out of his way to find the irl building
also i love all the references
why is this frog high on lean?
thanks, i have always wanted a 3D bullet-hell game
looks like Knookels doesn't need my power after all
why i gotta be a bitch tho?
would be nice if i can play with Z and X
could add that in an update :)
no u >:(
tmw i'm just casually parking my car only for this game to turn into a danmaku for absolutely no reason
Animator at Media Zapper
Game Developer at KG-CN
Making Music as 12DAMDO
Age 24, neko
wtf does this mean?
somewhere with wifi
Joined on 3/26/17