Mao Mao looks bored
Mao Mao looks bored
top 10 bosses Hank can't beat
hold up! is that a mothercupping Ren & Stimpy reference?
i hope someone makes a beatmap of this song for Osu!Taiko
this is exactly the type of music i play Taiko to
ENA would do well in english class
part 9 looks good so far
nice colors
the fact that Kirby canonically inhales cars now has some scary implications for who Kirby actually is.. every day we get closer and closer to Kirby canonically trying to destroy the world, and only one charming penguin can stop him! que the theme song
epic and detailed
You're epic mate!
Thanks a lot!
Animator at Media Zapper
Game Developer at KG-CN
Making Music as 12DAMDO
Age 25, neko
wtf does this mean?
somewhere with wifi
Joined on 3/26/17