Animator at Media Zapper
Game Developer at KG-CN
Making Music as 12DAMDO

Age 24, neko

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somewhere with wifi

Joined on 3/26/17

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so to those of you who played my game Tenebrous 1: Dungeons, i am currently working on a, i wouldn't say sequel or DLC, more of a half in-between sequel (idk)

now, it has in fact come to my attention that more people played the unfinished Demo of my game than the actual game (mainly, because i didn't know you need an account on Gamejolt to play the full version.. i might find a suitable way around this)

for now, here's the Gamejolt link: Tenebrous 1: Dungeons

and if this is not within your genre, i also have other games you can check out: like my first ever "fully" functional platformer, Sasac, and my endless runner EpiBRO's 3

What I Got So Far:

so far, Tenebrous 1.5.2 is currently my most functional platformer experience (better than Sasac even) with Metroidvania level design (which needs to be polished a little more) and chests that may or may not have items in them, depending on the RNG and/or stats requirements (no i will not elaborate due to spoilers)

i have 2 bosses:

-a tutorial boss, which i love the mechanics of, but hate how short the fight is once you figure out the strat.. might have to give him more health, but i also feel like it'd be a bit sadistic to do so.. i'll have a friend be the judge of that soon..

-a vampire boss, who flies around the boss area, using Castlevania logic (hitbox is his head) but i need to polish his second phase a little, because i think once you figure out the pattern of his first phase it is too easy to get a no-hit run, and i am not about to let that happen (i'm a very generous game dev, but i also see game development as a game itself, and i ain't letting you win against me that easily lol)

What I'm Currently working On:

aside from the previously mentioned stuff, like second phases, longer boss fights, and whatnot.. i am also working on ambush mechanics.. this is easier in a 3D environment than in a 2D environment, but i'll figure out a way..

i'm working on bosses, and maybe you guys can give me inspiration.. there's no linear progression, so don't worry if your suggestions may be easier/harder than the current second boss (he's not the indefinite second boss) but i also like being creative and like to work around my game design when it comes to adding enemies/bosses..

i take huge inspiration from Metroid, Ghosts N Goblins, Dark Souls 1, Castlevania, Tenebrous 1: Dungeons, and whatever my creative mind comes up with as solutions for Game Maker 8's limitations (which ironically enough, is exactly how Metroid was made: working around hardware limitations)

i won't promise it'll be the best game you ever played, but at the very least i want it to be the best game i ever made (so far) and i'm definitely 100% making use of every piece of knowledge i learned over the past 10 years of using this engine.. so if this game sucks, then that would mean i suck <insert Caine having an existential crisis at Zooble's therapy scene here>

but anyway, yeah, i try everything in my power (and lack thereof) to make full use of everything i know, and i will try not to disappoint

I Will Keep Y'all Updated:

i'm gonna make a game dev blog video soon, and i will keep you all updated on the current developments of this project

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no Bliss? 5 Points

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Added to skins for Skincraft Nov 2, 2021.

Nyanry Catmin

Added to sticks for Stickmin Creator Oct 6, 2021.

12Damdo's Bullet Hell

Added to bosses for Cathode Raybots Apr 25, 2021.


Added to faces for Cathode Raybots Apr 25, 2021.